Hello Ebelibadi !Thanks to visit my blog . Do visit mine again . Cheer up !


Add me on Facebook at Nur Aziera

Bonjour . My name is Nur Aziera .You can call me Aziera . I'm a girl who like surf internet . I'm lives at Iron River . I'm school at SKPTD . Internet is my boyfriend . 

All of must have hobby , right ? Same with me . I'm really photography . I'm not have DSLR to have pretty photoshot . I'm just using Digital Camera only . I'll try to make nice shoot and edit to make it look more beautiful .

LOVE ? It does not exist in my life . There's no word LOVE . The people I really LOVE God , our Prophet , my family   , myself and internet . No boyfriend but I have quote "To be a relationship makes me in trouble . 
Want to see my face ? LETS GO FOR A TRIP NOW !

Percutian PERCUMA untuk melihat muka saya .
 Okay , sila turun tangga ini .

Where're we going ?

Dah penat ? Baik jangan turun .

Degil betul ! Still wanna go down ?

FINE ! Just go on . Never give up babehh !

Are you tired ? Need some drinks ?

Fed up dengan PERCUTIAN menuruni tangga ini ?

Relax , you still have lot of time .

Are you ready for an interesting trip ?

Okay , okay . Kita dah hampir sampai .

Ehh , still far away ?

No. No. No. Kita dah sampai !

Hah ? When we will be arrive ?

Aiyyo  . Already tired kaa ?

Tadaaa ! Dah sampai !

LOL ! Not yet ?

Cill + Relax = Chillex okay ?

Just few stairs left ! We're near to the end now .

What the fish ? ! Bila nak habis ini ?
OMG ! Jauh lagi ke ?

Dah nak sampai . Okay ?
Ready ? Enjoy your trip ! BYE !

 Anda kini berada di sini untuk melihat muka saya yang COMEL .
Diharapkan agar anda gembira dengan percutian ini .
#See betape buroknye !